RESSA RPBJQC series flexible intumescent seal strip includes two type, first is triple type with three fins – Product Code RPBJQC and the other is flat type – Product Code RPBJQ.
- RPBJQC Series has triple fins for additional firm buffer seal as well as smoke and draft protection. Fins on products are made from a flexible elastomeric material and co-extruded in manufacture, for exceptional strength and durability in service. Products are supplied complete with strong self-adhesive tape, for easy peel and stick application.
- The RPBJQ Series flexible intumescent seal strip consisting of a high performance intumescent core, with a protective extruded PVC casing- durable in everyday service, but designed to soften and melt in the same temperature range as the core begins to expand. The three layers structure obviously avoid the shrinkage of the seal strip itself and make the adhesive combined with seal strip surface perfectly and solidly
Products are supplied complete with strong self-adhesive tape, for easy “peel-n-stick” application.
Both types are Suitable for use around the perimeter of gun safe door and door frame. When fire happens, it will expand 7-15times to seal the space between the frame and door to avoid the smoke and fire spreading to the gun safe inside. There are no smoke and fire leakage during this period to guarantee the guns, luxury material, important documents inside of safe.
RESSA RPBJQC series fireproof seal Strins Size Chart

RESSA RPBJQC series fireproof seal Installation Diagram

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